I recently got the dreaded coronavirus (i.e. SARS CoV-2) and it wasn’t fun at all. It ruined Christmas. But, now that I feel better, I want everyone to know how I recovered from covid in 10 days, so you can too! Oh, and I’m unvaccinated, just in case you’re wondering.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, so anything I’m saying here should be taken with a grain of salt and shouldn’t substitute for the advice of a good doctor who knows what they’re doing and isn’t a Big Pharma whore.
How did I get infected with covid?

I couldn’t tell you because I really don’t know. It could’ve been from work, or from walking around the supermarket or something. Maybe it fell from the sky, like those chemtrails they’re always spraying in the atmosphere.
I guess it’s irrelevant how I got it, right? Point is, I got it.
Was I wearing my mask?
I always thought the masks were bullshit and all about control and still do. I have family in the medical field who’ve told me from the beginning that those baby blue surgical masks everyone wears are only supposed to be worn for about two hours and then thrown away because they accumulate junk and fail to protect you from anything.
A mask that’s going to make it harder for me to breathe, while failing to prevent any tiny viruses from going right through the Holland Tunnel size holes in the cloth, is in my estimation a waste of everyone’s time.
So, no, I wasn’t a little nazi about wearing the mask. I’d rather be able to breathe fresh air instead of my own CO2 and waste particles. Call me crazy, but I think clean air is healthier for you.
What were my covid symptoms (omicron variant)?
What’s interesting is, no one told me it was the ‘omicron variant’ and I’m not convinced anyone can differentiate between the different variants. I just tested positive for covid, that’s it (see above). If you look closely at my test results, it doesn’t say anything about delta, or omicron, or gamma phi beta variant or whatever. It just says, ‘positive.’
A question I have is, do the other variants magically go away when the next variant in the lineup comes up? I don’t know and all of these supposedly smart people can’t answer that question either.
Well, It started with a horrendous headache that didn’t go away until I went to sleep that night.
Then, the next day, I noticed I was more tired than usual. By the time I got home from work, all I wanted to do was sleep. It was like that for about three days.
By the weekend, my body had more time to deal with whatever I was dealing with. I noticed that I got very weak and feverish with chills. I could barely get out of the bed for the next four days or so, so I missed some work there.
But, by the 10th day of this whole ordeal, I was basically better. I had most of my energy back and was pretty good to go. I lost about 10 pounds, though, due to the lack of appetite I had when I was sick and also had residual phlegm in my sinuses and lungs that slowly started to drain out.
My treatment protocol that beat covid in 10 days
I have to give credit to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who came up wth the Z-Stack, a combination of quercetin, vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc.
I had all the above in my vitamin cabinet except for quercetin, which I went out to buy, so I didn’t use the good doctor’s Z stack supplement, although I would’ve if I didn’t have any of it on hand. I just took his Z-stack concept and the idea behind it. As soon as I added quercetin to the mix, I noticed a big improvement and started to turn a corner in terms of how good I felt.
Supposedly, the quercetin is what pushes the nutrients into the cell and the zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin C is what kills the covid.
I’ve heard ivermectin is also a good supplement to have on hand, but I didn’t have any and didn’t seem to suffer any ill effects from not having it either.
I prayed, rested a lot, watched a lot of dumb YouTube videos and tried to eat as much as I could. And it didn’t help that everything had this nasty taste and smell to it, which I guess is a side-effect of having covid. That still hasn’t completely gone away, but it is subsiding.
Do I have symptoms of ‘long covid’??
This being a bioweapon from China, it doesn’t act the same as a regular cold or flu virus. That, I can tell you for sure. It’s atypical in that it feels like it comes and goes in waves, where you question whether you’re really over it.
After the ten days, at least for me, it was much more tolerable, but I do feel a mild heat on my skin from time to time, along with a dull headache, that maybe could be considered, ‘long covid.’
I guess some people have these symptoms for a while, but I think that drinking a lot of water with lemon will help your body to flush the phlegm, dead viruses, and residue out of your system in no time.
I also have a suspicion that some good ‘ol cardio would help to sweat this crap out, so you could feel really 100% I’ll test this theory out shortly.
Should we have this deathly fear of covid, like the media is constantly trying to push on us?
Hell no. Covid is bad, don’t get me wrong. It’s debilitating because you feel weak and can’t really function for a good 10 days, or so, but it’s not the death sentence the media wants you to think it is.
You have to understand, the media gets paid by Big Pharma. Next time you’re watching cable news i.e. CNN, FOX, MSNBC etc. watch the commercials and take note of who is paying for those ads. Then, ask yourself if you really believe that the reporters who work for these media companies have the freedom to say anything they want about covid, the vaccine etc.
Clearly, they don’t have that freedom because there’s a conflict of interests there; they’re essentially being paid off to cover the news in a way that’s favorable to the drug companies. If you really want an objective, nuanced view on the virus, mainstream news is the last place to go. You have to seek out alternative information from people who aren’t directly funded by Big Pharma.
And, if it’s not obvious to you by now, Big Pharma is raking in the dough by using their influence to peddle the vaccine to everyone by hyping up the fear on t.v. and by paying off politicians to institute ‘mandates.’ It’s all a money-lobbying game to these sick psychopaths. Especially because the vaccines have been found to cause some very serious side-effects and are even linked to death.
Why don’t I get vaccinated?
Gee, I don’t know. Maybe, it’s all the hypnotic, subliminal ads that all kind of look like this.
I just don’t trust it, bro. All these pro-vaccine ads and songs and gif’s seem like they’re part of a super-weird propaganda campaign.
The more these sick psychos try to push the vaccine on the public, the more disgusted I get and the more I dig in and decide I don’t want to take it.
Social media influencers have come forward saying they were offered money to promote the vax.
They’ve pushed it so hard at this point that they could offer me a million dollars and I still wouldn’t take it, they reek of desperation so badly.
If it was a good vaccine that helped people, there would be no need to even promote it, but it’s not even a vaccine. The CDC has admitted that it doesn’t actually protect you from getting the virus and that “more boosters are needed” blah blah blah
How can anyone take any of this seriously at this point??
Not to mention, there are video compilations of people who’ve taken the vaccine, suffered neurological side-effects and death and the information immediately gets censored!
This doesn’t exactly breed an environment of trust.
How I recovered from covid and didn’t “end up dead”
Key is understanding there are forces at work here that don’t care about you in the slightest. They just want to make money.
If you can wrap your mind around that, I think you can avoid a lot of the stress and fear surrounding this virus that really does cause people to fall ill and be in bad shape.
If you can use your critical thinking skills and especially your media literacy skills to ‘follow the money,’ then I think that you’ll be fine.
Assuming you take a proactive approach to your health, take vitamin supplements, work out, and don’t have any underlying health conditions, you’ll be more than fine.
And, maybe, when more people stop having this irrational fear of this virus, we’ll be able to finally move on as a society and get back to living!
God bless,

Read next: Help Me Sort Through All This “COVID Misinformation”