What is an alpha male? A lot of people don’t quite get what an alpha male is—there are all these misconceptions— so you’re lucky to have me to help clear things up.
Alpha males are guys with top-tier testosterone levels. That’s it. After a lot of self-reflection, pondering, life experience and having seen the so-called ‘alpha male’ affect in real life situations, that’s essentially what it boils down to.
And it pisses me off that there are sleazy marketers out there trying to make being an ‘alpha’ into something it’s not, like having a lot of money, a lot of charisma, a lot of this or that. Being an alpha male has nothing to do with that. And it has nothing to with being a leader, or being a highly successful Fortune’s 500 CEO, or whatever. That’s all nonsense written by people who’s job it is to create a mystique around the notion of what an alpha male is so they can market more crap products to men who don’t need them.
There’s nothing you can buy that will magically turn you into an alpha male, not a bottle of Dos Equis, not anything. Even the ad men at Dos Equis know that, which is why they made the whole, “Most Interesting Man In The World” campaign into a series of comedy sketches like something you’d see on SNL back in the 90’s when SNL was still funny.
The reality is, being an alpha male is not for sale. It’s not a Lamborghini, a leather jacket, an expensive watch, or that bottle of horrendous cologne you think smells “manly.” You can’t purchase, “Alpha” at the man store, try as they might to sell you a bottle.
Being an alpha male is not an act, a set of mannerisms, or a carefully planned strategy to appear more dominant in social settings. It’s not even being super competitive and it’s definitely not putting your friend in a headlock when that girl you like walks by.
Being an alpha male is not growing your beard out, drinking a Jack Daniel’s at noon, or going out and banging a slew of whores so you can look cool in front of your friends.
If what I just said seems jarring to you, then you should probably take a minute to re-evaluate your life, look in the mirror and realize that you need to stop trying to be something you’re not. Once you stop trying so hard, only then will you start to seem more ‘alpha’ to others, but not if you still care about how others perceive you. “Alphas” don’t care what other people think.
A real ‘alpha’ just is.
Is it possible to become more ‘alpha’?
It’s not possible to become more alpha if you’re thinking in terms of changing the way you behave or acting differently than how you would normally act.
These methods are like window dressing; they don’t get down to the real issue, which is why they’re doomed to fail.
The real issue is your testosterone levels, like I said earlier.
The only way to authentically be more ‘alpha’ is to either be born with top-tier testosterone levels already, or to increase your testosterone levels via weight-lifting so that you’re naturally more ‘alpha’ in your everyday life.
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being nonexistent T levels and 10 being superhero-like T levels, most guys are probably a 7 or 8 of out 10. Some guys are lucky and are born at either a 9 or a 10 naturally, but that doesn’t mean the guy who’s born an 8 can’t improve his testosterone levels by lifting. He can and he should.
And that’s what it comes down to. Everyone can and should strive to improve their testosterone levels by lifting and the effect of this, both in the short term and in the long-term, will be increased testosterone levels and more alpha-ness. It is achievable.
If everyone did this, there would no longer be a need to classify men according to their alpha male or beta male status. Everyone would basically be ‘alpha’ because, at the end of the day, what makes an alpha male is the willingness to fail and try again, to shake the dust off and do better next time. Working harder in the gym always—100% of the time—translates into working harder at your job, or business and working harder at making a better life for your family. It’s all related and one thing feeds into the next.
The beta male is actually the guy who’s already given up before he’s even tried, the guy who’s decided to stop striving and who blames others for his failures. For that guy, I have no sympathy.
The key is to stop comparing yourself to others
Where people go wrong is comparing themselves to others who they perceive to be better, higher status, higher T, smarter, better looking, more wealthy etc. than they are.
This is the death knell. We should never compare ourselves to the next guy because, frankly, it’s a waste of time. It’s more than a waste of time, it’s totally pointless and potentially dangerous.
Pointless because that other guy has nothing to do with you and dangerous because envy is a sin and a form of bitterness that will eat away at your joy. Before you know it, you won’t be able to take pleasure in anything. You’ll be grateful for nothing and constantly fixated on what you don’t have. That’s no way to go through life.
God gave us blessings, each of us with different blessings, and our job is to use what He gave us to glorify Him. Only then will we be at peace and grateful for what we have and truly happy. It’s God’s design. He didn’t create us to be in a constant state of envy and strife.
And, if you happen to feel that you really are in need of something that is making it difficult for you to be grateful, because you’re missing that one thing, then my suggestion is to ask God for it.
“For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened” (Mark 7: 7-8). Seek Him in all things. He will answer you.
Your training partner,

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