Why learn how to make your own drinking water? Because the psychopaths at the World Economic Forum are actually trying to manufacture a water crisis, so they can force you to become even more dependent on them for your everyday survival.
If it wasn’t clear enough already after seeing the way the global elites have created one crisis after another in order to consolidate power and gain even more control over the population i.e. covid vaccines to simultaneously depopulate us while profiting off of our death and shutting down small businesses, carbon tax schemes to steal more wealth from the average Joe under the guise of saving the planet etc.
Now, an agenda contributor at the WEF, Mariana Mazzucato, is saying that a water crisis is looming and that it will be something everyone will “get on board with.” I don’t trust one word that comes out of these people’s mouths because it’s all double-talk.
First of all, the notion that this country or any other is suffering from a water shortage is ridiculous.
Sure, they’ve been trying to manufacture a water crisis for decades now by purposely poisoning our water supply with toxic fluoride and other contaminants to the point where we can’t even drink our own tap water. That much is clear.
Have you ever tried drinking your tap water? I have. After drinking a glass of tap water a couple years back just as a test, I remember becoming so woozy and ill that I immediately needed to detox.
Not everyone remembers, but there was a time a few decades back, probably in the 80’s and early 90s, when people didn’t even think to buy bottled water at the store because they just drank their own tap (not to mention, to this day, the vast majority of countries still drink their own tap with no ill effects).
But today, the situation is getting worse because Canada, the U.K. and the west in general have such poor government oversight over the chemical plants producing the pollutants, pesticides, and industrial waste that ends up in our ground water and eventually in our food supply that over time we’ve become more and more reliant on bottled water for our survival.
Maybe it’s by design the way our reliance on bottled water has made us dependent on these multinational corporations that own all the water companies because it’s mentally put us in this false scarcity mindset where we’re always one container of water away from not having one of the most important resources on planet earth. A substance that we can only survive three days without, or we die.
Water was never intended to be scarce! It was always meant to be in abundance! That’s why God has it fall from the sky!
And with a little ingenuity, we can even make our own water and I’m going to show you how.
How to make your own drinking water for under $400
I’m not talking water filtration systems because those are pretty pricey for a good system and they usually require costly installation and maintenance.
No, I’m talking about atmospheric water generators.
Atmospheric water generators generate water by redirecting the moisture that’s in the air into a water storage vessel. The ones they use outdoors, or in developing nations are of the industrial size and cost thousands of dollars, but you can also make your own DIY version for much less that does essentially the same thing, just on a smaller scale.
Depending on how humid a room is, or the surrounding environment is, atmospheric water generators can generate gallons and gallons of water in a relatively short amount of time (like overnight).
The water that comes out is basically distilled water because it has no minerals in it. You then filter it, just to be safe, using a gravity water filter with carbon blocks in it. Finally, you remineralize the water using sea salt and boom! You’ve got potable water!
Please note: this is a solution for ensuring you have access to drinking water, not for having enough water to run your washing machine, take showers etc.
What you’ll need to get (contains Amazon affiliate links)
With just a few items, you can start making your own water. Here they are.
The first thing you’ll need is a dehumidifier that allows you to route the water to an outlet on the back of the machine instead of into the basin in front of the machine. This is the one I have and it allows you to do that.
Next, you’ll need a gravity-fed water filter made out of stainless steel that has carbon blocks, so that you can run the water through it to remove anything in there that could be bad, just as a safety measure. The water you’re going to be putting through it is not going to have chlorine, chloramines, fluoride or anything like that because it’s being pulled from the air, but it’s always good to take extra precaution.
Then, you’ll need a short piece of drinking water hose that’s free of BPA, phthalates, lead and other potential contaminants. One end gets connected to the back of the machine and the other gets routed to a container that collects the water. This could be a 5 gallon jug, for example, which is what I use.
This one is optional, but I also like to have some water storage containers to store the drinking water once it’s been fully processed and remineralized. These are the ones I got.
This is also optional, but you may want to get a pH and TDS meter to get some idea of the quality of the water you’re getting from your system. I use this.
Here are the steps to setting up your DIY atmospheric water generator
The first thing you’ll need in addition to the things I already mentioned is something you can repurpose, or get for free to serve as a stand.
It can either be a table, shelf, cart, or some other object that allows you to elevate the dehumidifier higher than the water collection container.
Then, you hook everything up and turn it on. It’s as simple as that.
Here’s an instructional video series that takes you through the steps better than I can explain it in words. He uses a regular hose along with a gravity water filter that has a plastic housing, which I don’t think is a good idea, but other than that, he does a great job explaining how to put it all together and make your own water.
How to process your drinking water to ensure it’s of the highest quality
In part 4 of that video series, he measures TDS (total dissolved solids) to make sure it’s below a certain number, but honestly, I don’t think the TDS reading is that reliable since you don’t really know what types of dissolved solids are in the water.
The TDS reading may have more to do with the quality of the air that’s in the room where you’re running your DIY atmospheric water generator than anything else. So, making sure the room has air circulation and that it’s not stale air might make some difference, although I don’t know how much. I have mine set up in the basement and it works especially well in the summer when it’s really humid down there.
I’ve done bacteria tests on the water and they come out negative, which makes sense because I don’t see how harmful bacteria could get into the water in a system like this, so long as it’s being kept clean and the room it’s in is clean (there’s also an air filter screen on the machine to prevent dust and debris from getting in), but it’s good to err on the side of safety.
Once you’ve put the water through gravity water filter, which is made to turn tap water, pond water, and other gross types of water into drinkable water, there’s really no reason why water from this system should be contaminated since water from the atmosphere is much cleaner than those other types.
Once you add your sea salt and iodine to the water, remineralizing it (and you’re going to have to experiment with this part to see what works best for you), that’s what’s going to make the most difference in terms of the health-promoting, hydrating effects of the water because, as we all know, drinking pure distilled water, which is what this water is before remineralization, could leach minerals out of your system if you were to drink it straight from the gravity water filter.
Disclaimer: you drink the water from your DIY atmospheric water generator at your own risk, however small that risk is. Consult an expert on drinking water before consuming.
I do drink the water from my system from time to time and it tastes fine (probably not better than Poland Springs, but still good), however, I mainly use it as a source of emergency water for a SHTF scenario, like if, for whatever reason, access to bottled water were to become severely limited.
Having emergency water on hand gives me great peace of mind that if bottled water were to ever get scarce, my family and I would still be able to survive and help others to do the same.
Hope you give this a try and start making your own drinking water!

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