The best jackets for bodybuilders are those that fit fairly snug, hug the waist and accentuate the shoulders.
I’m going to give you a rundown of some of my favorite jackets for bodybuilders, in case you wanted a few style points from someone with a similar body type to the one you have (i.e. wider shoulders, smaller waist) because we all know none of the fashion houses, or chain clothing stores cater to us . . . bunch of fairies.
Why should bodybuilders care about their choice of jacket?
Stop wearing big parkas, gigantic bubble jackets and boxy coats that completely obscure your masculine physique!
Bodybuilders with v-taper physiques should wear jackets that highlight this attribute because of the deep biological and psychological impact a pair of wide-set shoulders has on other people.
Your wide shoulders should always be prominently displayed regardless of the weather for the simple fact that they elicit certain hard-wired responses in the people around you that magically make your life easier. With wide-set shoulders, you’ll make a better impression because you’ll look more attractive, which makes you a better flirt and you’ll even receive increased amounts of favor and respect!
According to “science,” women find men with wide shoulders more attractive, but it’s not just about the ladies, bro. It works on the men too and not in a gay way! I’ve found that other men treat you with more respect when you’re in shape and present yourself in a way that showcases your broad shoulders too. I’m sure many of you have experienced the same, so why not use this to your advantage in every possible situation?
Why I don’t recommend leather jackets, or denim jackets
The jackets I’m going to recommend aren’t leather jackets, or denim jackets, though. First of all, leather jackets, the ones that are the form-fitting kind, provide very little warmth. Secondly, leather jackets will usually give a guy a look like he’s trying too hard to be cool. I would say a leather jacket is only appropriate if a guy rides a motorcycle, is an ex-convict, a career criminal, or is a legitimate gangbanger. Otherwise, you probably shouldn’t wear one.
Same with denim jackets. Very little warmth and they either make you look like a girl, or like a woke idiot. Denim jackets look way better on women than they do men anyways (same with leather jackets). Best to leave these jackets to the ladies. I’ll give you better options if those are the types of jackets you already kind of like.
Top 7 absolute best jackets for bodybuilders (if you don’t agree, you’re a herb)
*The following contains Amazon affiliate links
These are obviously only my opinions. I know that different variations in body type will cause certain jackets to look better on certain people than others, so I get that.
Not to beat a dead horse, but the focus here is on jackets that show off the broad shoulders, like I said earlier, so without further ado, here are my picks.
1. MA-1 Flight Jacket
I own this jacket and it’s my favorite for a few reasons. It’s based on a military jacket called the MA-1, which automatically makes it cooler and it’s a bomber-style jacket, so it’s not overly long, while accentuating the upper chest and shoulders.
It’s the upgrade from the leather jacket, in my humble opinion, because it’s made of polyester, so it retains heat much better and doesn’t look as try-hard as a leather jacket, at least to me. It’s not as obnoxiously expensive as a leather jacket, you won’t worry about getting it stained because liquids wick off of it, and any nicks or damage would probably only make it look cooler. You can also wear it inside out with the blaze orange on the outside and use it for hunting.
I like to layer a hoodie underneath it in the winter and it keeps me pretty warm. It’s actually too warm for a spring jacket. If you have a longer torso, this jacket might be too short for you, though.
2. Denim Sherpa Jacket
I also own a denim sherpa, but mine is khaki-colored, which coordinates with different clothes slightly better than the denim. I’ve worn both, though and they both honestly look great. I think this style of jacket, which is based off the lightweight denim jacket and also the bomber, is great because it’s so classic and manly. It also accentuates the shoulders very well and tapers off at the waist. The sherpa-lining just completely redeems this jacket. I highly recommend it.
This one is not as warm as the MA-1, but if you layer it with a hoodie, it’s warm enough for most situations. This one will also probably look better on a shorter guy than a taller guy with a longer torso.
3. Flannel Shirt Jacket Hoodie
This one is good for spring weather because they’re lined, but it’s not exactly winter-ready and you can’t exactly layer underneath it without looking goofy (because it already has the hoodie attached to it).
Great, classic style, though, looks manly, and also accentuates the shoulders, although not as tapered at the waist. However, it is drapey enough to cling to your torso somewhat, which does still help accentuate your wider shoulders and smaller waist.
If you’re a guy with a longer torso, this one will probably look better on you.
4. Sherpa-Lined Utility Jacket
You gotta’ love the Carhartt jackets, so classic, manly, and will definitely help accentuate your wider shoulders and smaller waist. They are made for guys who work with their hands and work out in the cold, for guys who need to move around and stay mobile out working construction or what have you, so they won’t be that huge and swimming on you for that reason.
These jackets just have a style of their own and generally look good. I highly recommend them.
5. Lightweight Packable Bubble Jacket
If you notice, I didn’t include one of those big, bulky bubble jackets that made you look like the Michelin Man. Those obscure your broad shoulders and physique too much. They make anyone look big, really.
But the bubble jackets that are marketed as “lightweight and packable” are the ones that are more form-fitting and tapered. Believe it or not, these are the ones that will make you look bigger and more muscular underneath your jacket because they will adhere more to your body’s natural lines.
They also look good layered with hoodies and will keep you very warm. They typically have down feathers in them, or sometimes other insulating materials that will keep you warm in the winter.
6. Fleece Jacket
This North Face jacket brings me back to my college days. Everyone had one of these. I went to school in upstate New York, where it’s frigid cold and grey out the majority of the year. This fleece jacket was the mainstay for most of us during that period of time in our lives.
I don’t know if they’re still popular or not, but they should be because they’re super warm and form-fitting, with not too bulky fabric and they still look razor sharp. This one says, “standard fit with room in the shoulders and chest for ease of movement” so it’s probably a solid jacket for the wide-shouldered guy out there.
7. Pea coat
For me, pea coats have been hit or miss, but I suppose you can get lucky and find one that actually fits properly and accentuates your shoulders. I used to have one back in college that fit me well, but most of the pea coats I see nowadays just aren’t as good. The trade-off with a pea coat, though, is that while they may help accentuate your shoulders, they don’t necessarily help define your waist.
This one says “relaxed fit through shoulders and chest” so it’s most likely a good bet for a guy with wide shoulders, but again, pea coats are usually cut to drape down over the waist, so keep that in mind. I included a pea coat here because they may fit right for the taller bodybuilder out there with the longish torso.
Treat yourself to a new jacket and transform the way others perceive you
I’m not a huge style guy. I usually prefer clothes that are utilitarian, but manly at the same time, but it was a transformative moment when I realized how powerful accentuating my wide shoulders could be in changing how others perceive me in my every day life.
If you haven’t yet experienced what I’m talking about, try it out and see for yourself.

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