10 Tell-Tale Signs You’re A Fat-ass

The signs you’re a fat-ass are many, but if you’re the fat-ass, you may be oblivious to your own fat-assery.

Truth is, we sometimes delude ourselves into thinking we’re not as fat as we really are.

Let’s take a look at two recent selfies I took and compare them side by side. The one on the right is a picture of me flexing and sucking in my gut. The picture on the left is me letting it all hang out and was taken mere moments before I took the one on the right.

Do you see how much of a fat-ass I am in the picture on the left?

Yup, I know.

Well, I’m just as fat in the picture on the right; it’s just masked by me flexing while doing a vacuum and tilting my body slightly to get some down-lighting that adds just the right amount of definition to my abs.

Which brings us to the ten tell-tale signs you’re a fat-ass.

1. You use down-lighting and other optical illusions like a comfort blanket to lull you into a false sense of security

Because I used to be fit, I think I subconsciously try to convince myself that I’m still fit when the reality is, I’m far from it.

Maybe you can relate.

2. You breathe heavy while doing mundane tasks like walking up the stairs and eating a sandwich

It creeps up on you, but as you gain more and more weight, you start to notice that you have a harder time breathing normally when you’re doing things that shouldn’t really be all that taxing.

Does your wife, or significant other sometimes tell you to “breathe,” or to “slow down” when you’re eating? Well, then you might be a fat-ass and you need to lose weight ASAP.

3. You look forward to your next meal a little too much

This one goes hand-in-hand with that old saying, “Eat to live, not live to eat,” if you’ve ever heard your folks remind you of that little gem.

If you find yourself getting way too excited about eating, or about food in general, it could be a sign that you have a problem.

4. Your wife, or significant other complains about your loud ‘scream-snoring’

If you’ve ever been shoved mid-dream by your wife, or significant other for your loud snoring, then you may need to lose some weight.

There’s evidence that losing weight can dramatically reduce even the worst cases of snoring.

5. You find yourself eating in different parts of the house because “it saves you a trip”

Are you eating in places other than the kitchen, or dining room because it “saves you a trip”?

If so, then you just might be getting freaking lazy and you need to start exercising more.

6. Your convince yourself that leaving your dress shirts untucked looks “more stylish”

You don’t look “more stylish,” you fool. You look like a slob.

You only look halfway decent with your shirt untucked if it’s a fitted shirt and you yourself are fit.

7. When you look at your fat face in pictures, you lament that you “used to be a good-looking guy”

As they say, “the camera adds ten pounds,” so you’d be better be lean if you want to look good in photos.

Those are the facts.

8. Your joints hurt so much that you imagine you’re ‘aging,’ but the reality is, you’re just obese

It wasn’t until I started going for walks on a daily basis that I realized that I didn’t have ‘bad knees’ or a ‘bad back.’ I was just fat.

The extra weight you carry on your frame makes a huge difference in how your joints feel, especially the ones in your feet and ankles. Take it from me.

9. Your dick isn’t as hard when you’re having sex and when the act is over, you feel zonked

When you’re dick isn’t as hard, it’s a sign that your body is aromatizing too much testosterone to estrogen, the female hormone.

Fellas, it’s time to lose weight.

And while it’s true that certain hormones cause a guy to feel kind of sleepy after sex, you shouldn’t feel absolutely zonked.

10. You start to feel sleepy randomly throughout the day, even after you’ve done very little

This is another sign that you have lowered testosterone levels.

When all you’ve done is sit around and twiddle your thumbs and you feel tired for apparently no reason, it’s definitely a sign that your fat.

Do these various signs you’re a fat-ass ring a bell? If so, what are you gonna’ do about it?

Aren’t you tired of living this way? I know I am. That’s why I’ve decided to make a change.

Join me, be my training partner and let’s get yoked like gangbusters!

Your training partner,

Read next: Quads, Shoulders, Squirrels, Nerdy Scientists, Gym Class